Posts tagged palestine

I grew up wondering how the holocaust could have happened. As a child, I could not understand why no one stopped it. (Children can think quite clearly at times.) Sadly, I learned later that most Germans and most of the rest of the world were silent. They did not know or didn't want to know what was happening, despite the evidence all around them. 

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During the days of early national socialism, Nazi Germany spread a message that the Jewish people were evil, sub-human and all sorts of criminals based on their ethnicity.  The sad reality is that message has been used against the Arab people and the Palestinian people, especially, so that their cries for help are ignored.   Often collectively referenced as terrorists, they have become the definition of a stereotype. 

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Te invito a ponerte en los zapatos de esta familia Palestina. Son la 2:00 de mañana. Tus hijos están durmiendo. Tu madre anciana y enferma y tu esposo o esposa tambien. Todo oscuro y en silencio. De momento, escuchas los ruidos de los motores de carros, voces, luces desde afuera invaden tu casa. Alguien toca fuertemente a la puerta.

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EDITORS NOTE: Donald Trump arrived in Israel on Monday, on the 36th day of the hunger strike initiated by Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Palestinians responded by fasting in solidarity, calling a general strike, and holding a day of demonstrations in many cities and towns.

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As our delegation traveled around East Jerusalem, my heart repeatedly sank with grief. My heart sank with grief as we learned of Israel’s repeated expulsions of the Palestinian population from their homes and neighborhoods in and around Jerusalem, to make space for new Jewish neighborhoods and settlements beyond the internationally recognized Green Line.

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