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We Traveled in October 2020 to the Heirloom Seed Library

With Your Guide, Vivien Sansour

With Your Guide, Vivien Sansour

Throughout the month of October we held Virtual Delegations to visit the Palestine Heirloom Seed Library with: Vivien Sansour - Artist and Conservationist.

Vivien uses image, sketch, film, soil, seeds, and plants to enliven old cultural tales in contemporary presentations and to advocate for the protection of biodiversity as a cultural and political act. As the founder of Palestine Heirloom Seed Library and the Traveling Kitchen project, she works with farmers to promote seed conservation and crop diversity.

Spend time with Vivien visiting the Palestine Heirloom Seed Library and seeing how the seeds are being used for sustainable farming as a political act. The perfect way to bring in the olive harvest season!

Don’t forget to register for our upcoming LIVE Virtual Delegations.
We offer new locations and topics every month!