Sharon Conlon D61 323.JPG

On your average passport, there are sections for nationality and citizenship.  For most countries, the terms are used interchangeably, but in the State of Israel they mean two very different things.  Citizenship is the name of the country one resides in, while nationality refers to one’s ethnicity.  Hence an average Israeli passport reads citizenship “Israeli”, while nationality reads “Jewish” or “Arab”. 

In 2013, a linguist by the name of Uzzi Ornan challenged the Israeli Supreme Court to add an Israeli nationality on the grounds that both Arabs and Jews are Israeli, but the high court ruled that was not possible because, “there is no proof of the existence of a uniquely Israeli people.” 

In Biblical history, the nation of Israel divided into a nation to the south called Judah and a nation to the north called Israel.  The two peoples did not get along.  In the end, Judah took gold out of the temple in Jerusalem and paid the King of Assyria to destroy the nation and enslave the people of Israel, scattering them across the Arab lands.  The story is found in 2 Kings 16. 

Yet the prophets declared Israel will return.  Here the Jewish nation is selling this promise to the world, yet they do not believe it themselves, for through their own courts they deny the existence of such a people.  They enter through the dung gate to weep at the wailing wall, but not one tear for the blood they shed of historical Israel, the people sold through that very temple.  Nor a tear for the blood of the same people they are shedding today. 

The world - through the United Nations - passed laws for refugees, laws that originated from King Cyrus of Persia in 539 B.C. stating, “unacceptability of the acquisition of territory by force and often concomitant practice of population transfer.”  It was this same law that allowed the Jewish refugees to return home from their exile in Babylon, yet when this same law is cited for the right of the Palestinian refugees it is deemed unjust. 

I see a nation stained with the blood of their brother.  I see people flooding into the holy sites to find God without pity or remorse for the Palestinian genocide that is being supported through their churches and tithe.  I have a question for the Zionists and the Evangelicals, what will you do if the God of Israel is not the God of the “uniquely Israeli people” of which the court found no proof, but the God of the people who are being murdered and pillaged?